David TuiteDavid Tuite
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David Tuite

Musings on product development, product management, design and other topics.

Product Management

Finish your things

Starting things is exciting but it is finishing which brings real, lasting value. Always prioritize finishing over starting.
David Tuite
David Tuite
2 min read

Modern marketing ideas from 1923

It's tempting to think that ideas like referrals and influencer marketing were conceived recently. This book shows us that marketers were employing these ideas (and more) almost 100 years ago.
David Tuite
David Tuite
19 min read
Product Management, Book

Measure what matters summary

A summary of the book, Measure What Matters, by John Doerr.
David Tuite
David Tuite
3 min read
Product Management

Guidelines for stakeholder communication

Everyone knows that product managers have to be excellent communicators. But what does that mean exactly?
David Tuite
David Tuite
4 min read
Product Management

What is product management?

It's not always easy to explain what product management is. Here's my attempt.
David Tuite
David Tuite
3 min read
Life Tracking

January 2019 OKR review

My new year's resolution this year is to track my personal goals using the Objectives and Key Results methodology. Here's the results from January.
David Tuite
David Tuite
5 min read
Product Management, Book

Product Roadmaps Relaunched: Chapter 7 Summary

Prioritization and the various frameworks you can use to prioritize.
David Tuite
David Tuite
6 min read

Radical Focus summary

My summary of this excellent book on OKRs and getting things done by Christina Wodtke.
David Tuite
David Tuite
5 min read
Product Management

How to be strategic

A summary of a thought provoking article by Julie Zhuo.
David Tuite
David Tuite
1 min read

Indie Hackers podcast notes. Andy Cook of Tettra

A summary of an excellent Indie Hackers episode where Andy Cook discusses hiring people, finding mentors, managing your own psychology and raising money.
David Tuite
David Tuite
4 min read
Product Management

The hidden cost of mediocre internal tools

It seems easy to save money by skimping on quality in internal tools. There may be a hidden cost that you're missing...
David Tuite
David Tuite
3 min read
Book, Product Management

Product Roadmaps Relaunched: Chapter 6 summary

How to deal with secondary roadmap components such as target customers and confidence levels.
David Tuite
David Tuite
2 min read